Research & Publication

SL.No Title Name of PI and Department Name of the CO-PIs & Department Funding Organization
1 Treatment adherence,tolerability and safety of Ayurveda therapeutic regimen in the management of Primary Knee Osteoarthritis: An OPD-based study Dr. Zenica D’Souza, Dept. of Kayachikitsa Dr. Shilpa K, Dept. of Kayachikitsa

Dr. Vasudev R Dept. of Panchakarma
SL.No Title Name of PI and Department Guide Co- guide
1 A randomized controlled human trial to evaluate the efficacy of Shatavarichoorna on working memory of children with average intelligence and borderline intellectual functioning. Dr. Nivya Kumar
(Dept. of Kaumarabhritya)
(Work initiated)
Dr. Zenica D’Souza ------
2 Randomized control trial to evaluate the efficacy of Ayurvedic Therapeutic Diet in Pre diabetes subjects Dr. Kavya Vasudev
(Dept. of Samhita and Siddhanta)
(Work initiated)
Dr. Zenica D’Souza ------


Sl. No Guide Student Details Title of the Project
1Dr. Surya Brijesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Samhita SiddantAsthami SathyanarayananTo evaluate the nutritive value and In vitro Anti Hyperglycemic action of a novel Indian Coffee Plum Asava
2Dr. Aditi Subbannavar, Associate Professor, Department of Swasthavritta and YogaRahul SThe Analysis of Anti-oxidant Potential, Physico chemical attributes and anti-bacterial evaluation of Dahashamani. A multi drug Folk preparation
3Dr. Sindhu MA, Associate Professor, Department of KaumarabhrityaAnita MathewPhytochemical analysis and evaluation of Potential Anti-fungal activity of Arjunaadi Yoga w.s.r to bala twak vikara – An in vitro study.
4Dr. Asha Maradka, Professor, Department of DravyagunaJameela Hafifa HaneefEvaluation of Anti-fungal activity of Aragwadadi lepa against Tinea pathogens – an In vitro study
5Dr. Hafsa P Ahamed, Assistant Professor, Department of Prasuti tantra evam stree rogaPriyanshi ShrivastavaPhyto chemical analysis and In vitro anti- bacterial activity of a polyherbal formulation against Urinary tract infection.

The Institution provides seed money to its teacher for research

Sl. No Name of the teacher Name of the project Amount(INR lakhs) Duration
1 Dr Sridhar Gokhale A Physico-Chemical and Experimental Study to establish Efficacy of Arbudhahara Rasa-A polyherbo- metallic preparation for its Anticancer Activity 5 2022-2024
2 Dr Akshatha Bhat Evaluation of antibacterial activity of rasanjana and green synthesized nanoparticles against bacterial causing periodontitis 2.5 2022-2024
3 Dr vidhya Prabha R Formulation and optimization of a patentable hair spray 2.5 2022-2024
4 Dr Reshma Evaluation of the efficacy of Dooshivishari agadha, as a single drug and also in combination with punarnavasava, shirishasava and kapitta yoga in CKD induced Wistar rats 1 2022-2023
5 Dr Divyarani To evaluate the efficacy of Kushmanda Avaleha in Slow learner as a memory enhancer 1.2 2022-2024
6 Dr veena Vishwanath Formulation and Optimization of a patentable Organic hair Cleanser and Conditioner 2 2022-2024
7 Dr. Balakrishna Kumar A Comparative Study of Triphala masi and activated Charcoal: Exploring their Anti-Cariogenic activity against oral pathogens 0.3 6 Months
8 Dr. Rahul Yashavanth An Experimental study to evaluate the efficacy of a novel herbo-mineral vaginal suppository against Candida vaginitis. 1.35 1 Year

Extra Mural Research Grants

Sl. No Name of the PI and Co-PI Name of the Project Amount Duration Funding Body
1 PI -Dr. Reshma
Co-PI – Dr. Ashwini
prabhu, Dr. Shobha
D, Dr. Aparna Hegde,
Dr. Santhosh Pai, Dr.
Niyas Rehman
Evaluation of Nephroprotective activity &Therapeutic potential of CKD 777 In Chronic Kidney Disease Rs 9572450/- 3 years ICMR
2 PI- Dr. Mrudula KS
Co-PI – Dr. Rahul
Pre-Clinical Study to evaluate the efficacy of Novel Herbo mineral Vaginal Gel in Candida Vaginitis Rs 1000000/- 2 years VGST, Govt.of Karnataka

Article Publication For the Year 2023

SL.No Name of the Staff Name of the Journal Title of the Article Month
1Dr Rukma CKWJPPSReview of Gara Visha adhisthanas w.s.r. to Cosmetic toxicityJanuary 2023
2Dr Hafsa P AhamedWJPRA Review on Saptasaram Kashaya W.S.R to Polycystic ovarian Syndrome January 2023
3Dr Rukma CKWJPPSReview of Gara Visha adhisthanas w.s.r. to Cosmetic toxicityJanuary 2023
4Dr. DivyaraniIAMJAhara Sevan Kala – Time of Consumption Food According to Ayurveda – A ReviewFebruary 2023
5Dr Sheethal RajIJSRGrahani Roga-Through the Perception of a Visha VaidyaFebruary 2023
6Dr.Mrudula.KS, Dr.Rahul YashavanthChapter in" Advances in AYUSH"- Vol 8 /Aki Nik publicationsChapter- Contributions of Acharya Sushruta in the field of Obstetrics An ancient Ayurvedic approachMarch 2023
7Dr. Zenica DSouzaInternational Journal in research in Ayurveda & PharmacyBahya Prayoga in Kusta Chikitsa: A ReviewMarch- April 2023
8Dr. Akshatha KJournal of Acupuncture and Meridian StudiesIntegrative Strategy with Ayurveda and Electro-Acupuncture in Hemifacial Spasm: a Case ReportApril 2023
10DR ZENICA DSOUZAIJRAPAyurvedic Management of Vicharchika: ACase ReportApril 2023
11Dr Sheethal RajIJSR A Critical Analysis of Vilwadi Agada in Bacterial Toxicity W. S. R to Sookshma VishaMay 2023
12Dr.Kavya.S.RWJPRA clinical study of prapoundarikadya ghrita application on episiotomy wound May 2023
13Dr Sindhu M AInternational journal of science and researchRole of basti on gut microbiome in cerebral palsy children May 2023
14Dr. DivyaraniIJARAnalysis of Asadhya Vyadhi Lakshanas with Correlation to Varna and Sparsha Arista Lakshanas of Charaka SamhitaJune 2023
15D Veeraj HegdeIntelligent Automation & Soft ComputingDetection of Alzheimer’s Disease Progression Using Integrated Deep Learning ApproachesJune 2023
16Dr Ajantha Shivaji KotekarAYU1) Effect of Ayurveda water purification method on total dissolved solutes in waterJune 2023
17Dr Nivya Kumar K Vijnanasarani 2023-souvenir ISBN : 9789359674063Encoding a case of trisomy 13 reflects in Ayurveda perspective of genetics June 2023
18Dr. Zenica DSouzaIJARAnalysis of Asadhya Vyadhi Lakshanas with Correlation to Varna and Sparsha Arista Lakshanas of Charaka SamhitaJune 2023
19Dr. Zenica DSouzaInternational Journal in research in Ayurveda & PharmacyAssessment of Varna and Sparsha related Arista Lakshana in Critically Ill participantsJuly 2023
20Dr. DivyaraniIJRAPAssessment of Varna and Sparsha-Related Arista Lakshana in Critically Ill ParticipantsJuly 2023
23Dr. DivyaraniIJHSRMedhya Effect of Kushmanda Avaleha - As a Remedy for Slow LearnersAugust 2023
25Dr.Rahul Yashavanth, Dr.Mrudula.KSChapter in" Advances in AYUSH"- Vol 9 /Aki Nik publicationsChapter- Role of biotechnology in the production of plant derived secondary metabolites A reviewOctober 2023
26Dr. Gururaja HJournal of Biomolecular Structure and DynamicsIn-silico studies of Brassica oleracea active compounds and their role in thyroid peroxidase activityOctober 2023
27Dr Vasudev RIJPPR1)Marma Points in Ayurveda: A Comprehensive Exploration of Mode of Action and Therapeutic ApplicationsOctober 2023

Article Publication For the Year 2022

SL.No Name of the Staff Name of the Journal Title of the Article MonthNo.of Articles
1 Dr. Santhosh K RGUHS Journal of AYUSH Sciences (RJAS) Influence of Ocular Therapies on Spherical and Cylindrical Power of the Eye: A Case Report December 2022 1
2 Dr Ajantha Shivaji Kotekar Journal of Ayurveda and integrated medical Sciences A critical analysis of Dosha prakopaka nidana in the samprapthi of Artava dushti WSR to Polycystic ovarian syndrome November 2022 1
3 Dr Akshatha K Journal of Ayurveda case reports. Ayurvedic management of Vartma sthambha (ptosis) with Panchakarma (bio purificatory measures) and Netrakriyakalpa (ocular therapies): A case report . Oct- Dec 2022 1
4 Dr Surya Raj IAMJ - International Ayurvedic medical journal A twist in the fate - a review on Karma siddhanta in Ayurveda Sep 2022 1
5 Dr Zenica DSouza International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy Ethno-practices in Bhutonmada: A Review Sep - Oct 2022 1
6 Dr. Santhosh K International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy Raktamokshana (Bloodletting), A Multi-Dimensional Preventive and Curative Approach in Oral Disorders: A Review Sep - Oct 2022 1
7 Dr Asha Maradka International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy Raktamokshana (Bloodletting), A Multi-Dimensional Preventive and Curative Approach in Oral Disorders: A Review Sep - Oct 2022 1
8 Dr Akshatha K International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy Raktamokshana (Bloodletting), A Multi-Dimensional Preventive and Curative Approach in Oral Disorders: A Review Sep - Oct 2022 1
9 Dr Akshatha K Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine An integrative approach with Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Acupuncture in post covid parosmia - A case study". July 2022 1
10 Dr. Kavya Vasudev IJATM -International Journal of Ayurveda and Traditional Medicine Outlining Ethno Veterinary Medicine with special reference to Pashu Ayurveda. June 2022 1
11 Dr.Nivya Kumar K IJAYUSH - International Journal Of Ayush A case study on Bala Pakshagata May-June 2022 1
12 Dr Kavya Vasudev International Ayurvedic Medical Journal (IAMJ) Acclimatized Ayurvedic Diet for maintaining health in Varsha Ritu April 2022 1
13 Dr Kavya Vasudev Journal of Research in Indian Medicine (JRIM) Relevance of Chatushka Methodology of Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana January 2022 1

Article Publication For the Year 2021

SL.No Name of the Staff Name of the Journal Title of the Article Month No.of Articles
1 Dr Kavya Vasudev International Ayurvedic Medical Journal (IAMJ) AcclimatizedAyurvedic Diet for maintaining health in Varsha Ritu April 2022 01
2 Dr Kavya Vasudev Journal of Research in Indian Medicine (JRIM) Relevance of Chatushka Methodology of Charaka Samhita Sutra Sthana January 2022 01
3 Dr Pralhad Subbannavar International Journal of Scientific research Anomalous Origin of Renalarteries and Accessory Renal vein in Male Cadaver - A case report October 2021 01
4 Dr Aditi P S International Journal of Scientific research A Concept Of Basti as a moolasthana of mootravaha srotas October 2021 01
5 Dr Zenica D Souza International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, ISSN: 2320 5091 Comparative Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Lavangadi Gutika & Pippalayadi Gutika in Kaphaja Kasa October 2021 01
6 Dr Zenica D Souza International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, ISSN: 2320 5091 A comparative clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Shuntyadi guggulu and Trayodashanga guggulu in Gridhrasi September 2021 03
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, ISSN: 2320 5091 Common occupational lung disorders in current Indian population and principle of Ayurvedic Management
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, ISSN: 2320 5091 A Randomised controlled clinicaltrail to study the efficacy of an Ethnomedicinal formulation in Dadru Kushta
7 Dr Akshatha K bhat Journal of Ayurveda Case reports, AyuCare, AIIA Ayurvedic Management of recurrent anterior Uveitis with blood letting therapy – a case report August 2021 01
8 Dr. Ajay Bhat Journal of Research in India Medicine Leech Therapy in Cellulitis of Lower March 2021 01
9 Dr Nisha Kumari International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, ISSN: 2320-5091, Volume 9, Issue 1 pp 234-238 An Analysis On Mental Wellbeing And Dance Practice W.S.R To Indian Classical Dance Forms January- 2021 01

Article Publication For the Year Jan 2020 – Dec 2020

SL.No Name of the Staff Name of the Journal Title of the Article Month No.of Articles
1 Dr. Sreeraj.R Parveshana International Journal of Ayurvedic Research Kaphaja Kasa – A Review July-Aug Vol.5 Issue.04 01
2 Dr.Sheethal Raj International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Relevance of Anjana Karma in Visha Chikitsa July Vol.9 Issue. 7 03
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR Concept of Dooshivisha in Male Infertility W.S.R to Endocrine Toxicity June Vol.09 Issue 6
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR Brihatrayees Approach to the Application of Surgery in Toxicology July Vol. 9 Issue.7
3 Dr.Priya Pradeep & Pradeep Kumar K Research Article (IJRAP) A Comparitive Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Khadhirashtaka Kwatha and Navakarshaka Kwatha in the Management of Vicharchika May 01
4 Dr. Vidhyaprabha Research Article (IJRAP) Interpretation of Snayu Classical Texts Based on Inferential Anatomical Explorations September 03
Dr.Deepthi Surendran & Dr. Vidhyaprabha World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Management of Alopecia Areata By Conventional Ayurvedic Treatment Protocol: A case Report June Vol.09 Issue.7
Dr. Vidhyaprabha R & Dr. Meera S Case Report (IJRAP) Management of Plaque Psoriasis Through Ayurvedic Intervention: A Case report May
5 Dr. Sahl & P. Hafsa Ahamad International Journal of Applied Ayurveda Research Ankylosing Spondylits – Ayurvedic Approach – A Case Jul-Aug Vol.IV Issue.IX 02
Dr. Sahl International Journal of Scientific Research Efficacy of Vasa Kshara on Dushtavrana A Single Case study May Vol.09 Issue. 5
6 Dr. Priya S Nair Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci., Physiological Understanding of Role of Doshas in Arthava Chakra May Vol.09 Issue. 6 01
7 Dr. Supriya S Review Article (IJRAP) Concept of Khavaigunya in Vyadhyutpatti July 01
8 Dr. Subhada V.I Review Article (IJRAP) Relevance of Upamana Pramana in Understanding the Concepts of Ayurveda July 02
Ayurvedic Medical Journal Critical Review on Surgical Perspective of Marma May Vol.08 Issue.5
9 Dr. Sridhar Gokhale Review Article (IJRAP) A Comparative Study on Sandhana Pradesha with Special Reference to Kutajarishta June 01
10 Dr.Devan Reghunathan International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Review on Guda varti in the Management of Arshas May Vol.12 Issue.3 01
11 Dr. Hafsa P Ahamed World Jornal of Pharmaceutical Research A review on Kanasatahwadi Kashaya W.S.R To Amenorrea May Vol.09 Issue.6 02
Dr. Hafsa P Ahamed International Ayurveda Publication Ayurvedic Management of Asthenoteratozoospermia _ A Case Study Jan-Feb Vol.V Issue. 1
12 Dr.Mrudula K.S & Dr. Rahul Yashavanth Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences Kshara Kalpana – A Contribution to Pesent Medical Practice Mar-Apr Vol.05 Issue.2 04
Dr.Mrudula K.S & Dr. Rahul Yashavanth International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research Traditional Methods of Food Habits and Dietary Preparations for Sutika Jan-Feb Vol.IV Issue.VI
Dr.Mrudula.KS & Dr.Rahul Yashavanth International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy (IJRAP) A critical review on bhasma and nano medicine MAY
Dr.Mrudula K.S & Dr. Rahul Yashavanth World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Role of Acupuncture and Ayurveda in the management of shukra dushti- a case study JULY Vol9, issue 8
13 Dr Nisha Kumari International Ayurveda Medical Journal, ISSN; 2320-5091, A study on Influence of Indian classical dance on cardio respiratory wellbeing October 2020 Volume 8 issue 4644 – 4648 01

Article Publication For the Year Jan 2020 – Dec 2020

SL.No Name of the Staff Name of the Journal Title of the Article Month No.of Articles
1 Dr. Sreeraj.R Parveshana International Journal of Ayurvedic Research Kaphaja Kasa – A Review July-Aug Vol.5 Issue.04 01
2 Dr.Sheethal Raj International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Relevance of Anjana Karma in Visha Chikitsa July Vol.9 Issue. 7 03
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Concept of Dooshivisha in Male Infertility W.S.R to Endocrine Toxicity June Vol.09 Issue 6
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Brihatrayees Approach to the Application of Surgery in Toxicology July Vol. 9 Issue.7
3 Dr.Priya Pradeep & Pradeep Kumar K Research Article (IJRAP) A Comparitive Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Khadhirashtaka Kwatha and Navakarshaka Kwatha in the Management of Vicharchika May 01
4 Dr. Vidhyaprabha Research Article (IJRAP) Interpretation of Snayu Classical Texts Based on Inferential Anatomical Explorations September 03
Dr.Deepthi Surendran & Dr. Vidhyaprabha World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Management of Alopecia Areata By Conventional Ayurvedic Treatment Protocol: A case Report June Vol.09 Issue.7
Dr. Vidhyaprabha R & Dr. Meera S Case Report (IJRAP) Management of Plaque Psoriasis Through Ayurvedic Intervention: A Case report May
5 Dr. Sahl & P. Hafsa Ahamad International Journal of Applied Ayurveda Research Ankylosing Spondylits – Ayurvedic Approach – A Case Jul-Aug Vol.IV Issue.IX 02
Dr. Sahl International Journal of Scientific Research Efficacy of Vasa Kshara on Dushtavrana A Single Case study May Vol.09 Issue. 5
6 Dr. Priya S Nair Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci., Physiological Understanding of Role of Doshas in Arthava Chakra May Vol.09 Issue. 6 01
7 Dr. Supriya S Review Article (IJRAP) Concept of Khavaigunya in Vyadhyutpatti July 01
8 Dr. Subhada V.I Review Article (IJRAP) Relevance of Upamana Pramana in Understanding the Concepts of Ayurveda July 02
Ayurvedic Medical Journal Critical Review on Surgical Perspective of Marma May Vol.08 Issue.5
9 Dr. Sridhar Gokhale Review Article (IJRAP) A Comparative Study on Sandhana Pradesha with Special Reference to Kutajarishta June 01
10 Dr.Devan Reghunathan International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Review on Guda varti in the Management of Arshas May Vol.12 Issue.3 01
11 Dr. Hafsa P Ahamed World Jornal of Pharmaceutical Research A review on Kanasatahwadi Kashaya W.S.R To Amenorrea May Vol.09 Issue.6 02
Dr. Hafsa P Ahamed International Ayurveda Publication Ayurvedic Management of Asthenoteratozoospermia _ A Case Study Jan-Feb Vol.V Issue. 1
12 Dr.Mrudula K.S & Dr. Rahul Yashavanth Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences Kshara Kalpana – A Contribution to Pesent Medical Practice Mar-Apr Vol.05 Issue.2 04
Dr.Mrudula K.S & Dr. Rahul Yashavanth International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research Traditional Methods of Food Habits and Dietary Preparations for Sutika Jan-Feb Vol.IV Issue.VI
Dr.Mrudula.KS & Dr.Rahul Yashavanth International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy (IJRAP) A critical review on bhasma and nano medicine MAY
Dr.Mrudula K.S & Dr. Rahul Yashavanth World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Role of Acupuncture and Ayurveda in the management of shukra dushti- a case study JULY Vol9, issue 8
13 Dr Nisha Kumari International Ayurveda Medical Journal, ISSN; 2320-5091, A study on Influence of Indian classical dance on cardio respiratory wellbeing October 2020 Volume 8 issue 4644 – 4648 01
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